Dont quit poem author
Dont quit poem author

dont quit poem author

Gerard Haughey claims to be the real author of the poem." One website states that Clinton Howell published this poem in Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul, September 1, 1999. It is unbelievable how many websites have a different author listed. One of previous members even made a claim that they were the author of this poem. Chengges, Rick Frutell, Leo Padgett, Joe David Harrison, Sam Candelaria, Clinton Howell, Frank Collins and Gerard Haughey. Among the names are Edgar A Guest, kristone, Larry S. > Ruth Howell: "Each website lists a different name. > Here's an example of the mess web cholarship was in in those days. > I was running around the web, trying to find the author, and instead finding threads like this one: Do you remember the to-do over the authorship of this poem last time it was posted, on RAP? (Here's the thread from the archive.) > With proper acknowledgement, of course. > You don't like his work? What specifically do you dislike about it? > Has anyone read “Don’t quit” by John Greenleaf Whittier? Dan Rather talks about it on his Facebook page. > On Thursday, Apat 7:41:27 PM UTC-4, JD Chase wrote: It's a poem that's resonated with a lot of people, which is why so many want to claim it for themselves or friends or family. Ironically, the fact they could do that was because Guest apparently didn't like it that much - he published it in his newspaper column, but not in a book. The fact so many want to claim the poem, for themselves or for friends or family, shows that a great many people liked it. George Munchinsky claims that Alice Enzie Zimmerman wrote the poem in 1948 at the age of 15." Tommy Collins claims the poem was written by his father, Frank Collins while in hospital in Birmingham in 1952. Robert Ellis claims the poem was written by his grandmother, Betty Naimo Rich of Wakefield MA. Joe David Harrison and Anthony James both claim to have written the poem. Kelly Burke claims the poem was written by her mother. Rose DesRochers - : "Jeff Lief reports that the poem was written by his father Ben Lief in 1929, when he was 19 years old. Gerard Haughey claims to be the real author of the poem."Īnthony James, : "I wrote the poem in the mid 90's" Ruth Howell: "Each website lists a different name. Here's an example of the mess web cholarship was in in those days. I was running around the web, trying to find the author, and instead finding threads like this one:

Dont quit poem author